Sunday, November 10, 2013

Jamuan Beramah Mesra with Orang Besar Jajahan, Taiping

            It was a fun-filled afternoon of singing, dancing and feasting for ten organisations of underprivileged children, handicapped and senior citizens at the residence of the OBJ in Jalan Kota Taiping on 9 November 2013. Among the beneficiaries were Crystal Children’s Welfare Home, St John’s Nursing Home, Sekolah Semangat Maju for the mentally challenged, ESDA and children’s welfare homes from Ulu Sepetang and Aulong.
Some underprivileged children
            An estimated crowd of 600 flocked to the event, occupying every nook and corner of the spacious grounds. An initial shower of rain did not dampen their spirits and as the sun reemerged, the guests were invited to tuck in from various counters of food lavishly laid out. There were fried noodles and chicken, cakes and traditional delicacies, hot tea and cold drinks.
Taiping Heritage Society was among 20 NGO’s (Non government organisations) who contributed financial assistance to Toh Muda Wan Isa and his wife Toh Puan Muda Norisha. Four hundred goody bags were prepared for the participants, and as caregivers and invited guests looked on, Toh Puan Muda Norisha and Datin Jennifer Ong handed out the gift packets.
President and Vice President with the OBJ
Then it was time for some entertainment. A colourfully garbed clown was surrounded by children waiting for toys and animals cleverly fashioned from twisting tube balloons. But loud pulsating music drew the crowd to three young ladies performing an Indian dance. Other singing and dance perfomances followed and each one was loudly applauded and cheered on with piercing wolf whistles and cries of encouragement. The loudest applause however, went to a group of young dancers doing the cha cha and the final item was the ever popular Gangnam Style from New Club Taiping and Vincent Children’s Home.
Clown entertaining the children
It was all in all a very successful event organized by the community for the community. As Toh Puan Norisha put in, “The most important thing is that the children enjoyed themselves.” And they certainly did!
Children waiting for their bus

